Guest Artists

& Events

Be sure to revisit this page frequently for the latest updates on future guest artists and tattoo events.

Olex will be visiting

April the 9th to April 15

Our Good Friend Olex will be doing a Guest Spot and joining us at the Saskatoon Tattoo expo. To book with Olex please email him directly at

Floral tattoo black and grey saskatoon tattoo olex tantrix body art
skull tattoo Olex Tantrix body art saskatoon
map and compass tattoo Saskatoon olex
dream catcher tattoo olex saskatoon tantrix body art
Olex Tantrix body art saskatoon
Chest tattoo cover up Olex Tantrix body art
Eagle tattoo saskatoon tantrix body art flex
Leopard tattoo Saskatoon tantrix body art saskatoon
ruins tattoo olex saskatoon tantrix body art
time piece pocket watch tattoo saskatoon